BIGBANG お台場合衆国入りました~



BIGBANG お台場合衆国!!!



会場サツエイ ダメ デス~

BIGBANG と めざましコラボT「ONE」 発売中!!!



会場こんな感じです~ ズン♪ ズン♪ ズン♪ ズン♪ 音が響いてます~ Oh e oh -!!!



リハーサル中風景本番は17:00スタート!!! お楽しみに~

BIGBANG × Mezamashi T-shirt 「ONE」 designed by Ji Yong oppa^^
We went to Odaiba quite early. It's very hot,humid and raining!!
So lucky today that we could sneak into BIGBANG rehearsal and sound-checking!!
But the Fuji TV staff came to put the fence on Y_Y very fast!!
So sad X(
BIGBANG performed
- How Gee
- Number 1 & MC
- Beautiful Hangover
- 声をきかせて
- ガラガラ GO!!
- Hands Up
When I take a closer look at Young Bae oppa's biceps...it's so incredible!!He seems a lil bit tired because he's just got back from Seoul last night.
MC Karube-san asked a question! 「What is your wonderful summer this year?」
DaeSung oppa 「Universal Studios」 Snoopy or Spiderman?
T.O.P oppa 「today at Mezamashi」 he's always good at the fan service!!there's a big round of applause.
Ji Yong oppa 「Fuji Q」 ... haha that Fujiyama ride!!I like it a lot,but it's too extreme for me XD
Seungri kun 「went on a date❤」
And Ji Yong oppa's facial expression was like (´~`)。゜○ LOL
T.O.P oppa said 「It's freaking hot!!(laugh)」 with a mix of Japanese and Korean!
Seungri added 「what T.O.P-san speaks is cool!!」 nice!nice!
Today is my happy day!BIGBANG's performance is 100% fit and fierce and there's no microphone probs!
This show will air on Fuji TV on Thu, 29 July, 5:00pm – 5:40pm.So stay tuned!!
Until we'll meet again at 『SUMMER SONIC 2010』!
Via BIGBANGさんのなう