
【MAGAZINE】The Making Of 『SMART』 September Issue Exclusive Photos!!

JPEG Image, 2448×3264 pixels Via 『smart』編集部 オフィシャルブログ! XO...

【CM】「Korea Lotte Duty Free Shop」 August Wallpapers

800 × 600 1024 × 768 1280 × 1024 August marks many special days!Ji Yong oppa's Birthday (18), BIGBANG's 4th Debut Anniversary (19),my Birthday & TeamBIGBANG 1th Anniversary (21)!!Booyaa! Via 화장품 쇼핑은 여유를 부려라! 혜택 가득한 롯데시내면세점에서 XO...

【MUSIC】Solar/TaeYang ♪♪ OnStyle Producer Twitter Photo Update

OnStyle Real Sound By TaeYang will air shortly after midnight! The channel..is fixed,actually! Even though you're in Japan,hwaiting...! Via @hustlepd XO...


【MAGAZINE】BIGBANG Making Movie 「ViVi」 Vol. 2

  + Vol. 1   Via NET ViVi XO...


【MUSIC】Solar/TaeYang ♪♪ 2010 TaeYang Solo Concert 「SOLAR」 Information

Hi, It's YG Entertainment. The album [SOLAR] and its title track [I Need A Girl] has released and TaeYang is having a show activity!! TaeYang shows the gorgeous and passionate feelings in every stage of his live performances and featuring dances. Here is the information about the concert ★ Concert overview ★ - Title: 2010 TaeYang Solo Concert [SOLAR] - Date: 2010/9/4...

【MAGAZINE】「週刊テレビガイド」 撮影舞台裏に密着!

  7週連続! BIGBANGミラクル企画も残す ところ今号が最終回となりました。 先週の予告どおり、今回は、これまでの未公開ショット&撮影舞台裏のオフショットが3ページで登場です! クールでカッコイイBIGBANGはもちろん、撮影合間に見せてくださった笑顔に、お茶目なポーズなど、編集部が見た5人のご様子を余すところなくお伝えします♪ BIGBANGのステッカーのプレゼントもありますので、どしどしご応募くださいね★ Via mi_amiga & インターネットTVガイド XO...

【MUSIC】Solar/TaeYang ♪♪ 100715 Performance On Mnet M!Countdown Photos

Via Mnet XO...


【EVENT】100719 SeungRi At Gimpo Airport Departure

Via 마루 XO...

【MUSIC】Solar/TaeYang ♪♪ 100720 SBS 「Strong Heart」 TaeYang × SeungRi Cuts

Via VIPZ XO...


【MUSIC】Digital Bounce/Se7en Feat. T.O.P ♪♪ Full Song Release!

011001001 oh so digital!!I luv T.O.P's rap flow!WOW SE7EN is HOTTTTT!! XO...

【MAGAZINE】G-Book Vol.2 (Interview Part)

What a GREAT Ji Yong oppa interview!! 출처- DCGD XO...

【MUSIC】Solar/TaeYang ♪♪ Choreographer Shaun Evaristo & Co. Adventure With YG Entertainment

GD at 0:13 in both vids is hilars! Via kanauru & MovementLifestyle XO...

【EVENT】100719 G-Dragon × TaeYang At Gimpo Airport Departure

BIGBANG is on the way to Japan^^ Hands Up!Hey!Ho!ke ke ke 출처: GD&H,y_line_ XO...


【EVENT】 SeungRi Attended A Wedding Photos & Fancam

They were taken at a YG employee's wedding that SeungRi attended and he sang 「This Is The Moment (Korean version)」 from Jekyll and Hyde The Musical. SeungRi as Jekyll!?...ooh la la ^^ Via 라기 & 빅뱅 바라보다 XO...