
【ADMIN NOTICE】TeamBIGBANG is on the Move

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Dear readers,

We would like to announce that the blog is under the process of transition to the fresh new site http://teambigbang.com/ which will run on the self-hosted Wordpress.We'll fully move there starting at 12:00 am on Wednesday December 15,2010 (yes,it's the release date of High High & Oh Yeah/G-Dragon & T.O.P!!) and will leave this blog for an on-line archives as long as Blogspot lets us,but no updates will be posted here anymore from the moving time onwards.

The new site still looks quite a mess at the hour this post is going to be published,but we would like to have some words from our dear readers/visitors about its look and navigation.TeamBIGBANG has been serving 3,000 - 4,000 unique visits per day on the average and as high as 10,000+ hits on its busiest day since it kicked start in August,2009.Now,it's time to refresh ourselves and change for the better^^

As we are moving to the new site,you may encounter some errors on tweets and/or Facebook status updates due to the testing with the new social network settings.We apologize for the inconvenience that it may cause.

Sharing you guys the BIGBANG moments is always filled with fun!See you again at http://teambigbang.com/ and don't forget to bookmark it!


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