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Many J-celebs are team BIGBANG!!
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I'm in the middle of BIGBANG 2nd overdosing since Electric Love Tourism www and I admit that there're many moments, while I'm watching their stage here, that I feel like they aren’t the Korean artists anymore, judging from Seungri, Taeyang and DaeSung's lively and playful interaction with the peeps today~!!

That's a funny take by w-inds Keita when he introduced himself as K-Dragon in w-inds' stage! I laughed so hard my face hurt!

T.O.P's hairdo today is the sweetest relief. He scared me off yesterday with his old man look when he's just 24!

Approx. 80% of the concert goers are VIPs on the overall. I saw VIPs working hard on their light sticks. Glowing our gold team color with a new fresh battery and many were flying the BIGBANG flags singing 「ガラガラGO!!」 at the top of the voice as the opener track. 꺅!!!!! 꺅!!!!! 꺅!!!!! Ji Yong oppa, your hair, your hair!!!

I'm sure that VIPs waved the light sticks for the first three acts;JAY'ED,w-inds and VANNESS.See, we’re the coolest fans on the planet earth and it MUST BE!

「Number 1」
Pori always tries to convince me that it's the best in Korea when you go clubbing LOL,but the dance is magic!T.O.P's broad smile and his rap on the piece is LEGEND! That’s the climax when G-Dragon flew his rap thang and SeungRi's eye contact with him is hilars!!

MC 1
I know that BIGBANG always puts 100% effort to entertain their fans. Sometimes they entertain and spoil me too much, I suffer an erratic heartbeat (read carefully, not "erotic"!!LOL) when SeungRi said "WOW, it’s awesome!!" to the audiences and was blinking his eyes like Justin Bieber in his PVs.I was like,” it’s 큐트 SeungRi again. It’s not the musical day here, sweetie! Haahaa." He deserves one more GD's elbow hit right there to lower his Cute-O-Meter, really.

「Tell Me Goodbye」
TaeYang encouraged us to sing along when he shouted, "Everybody, sing!!" and when the whole hall went with BIGBANG.I sense that it's the most beautiful bittersweet record and the feeling I've got is far different from the IRIS event! DaeSung and TaeYang's voice is sick!G-Dragon's spinning hand is even sicker! LOL GD beats that shit!!!

「How Gee」
I'd be lying if I don't tell you that it's oh so BIGBANG concert with tons of j-pop guests and mcs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ minus they did this piece in Koreanよかった!!Raise the roof! Raise the roof! T.O.P and G-Dragon's rapping is in harmony and I miss the good old days a lot!DaeSung's smile was REALLY nice and TaeYang the Busy Energetic Bee was running across the stage from the left wing to the right!

MC 2
While TaeYang was talking,T.O.P said 「え!」(Ahh!) All of a sudden to the audiences. I dunno why he blunted that out, but that's funny and maybe he wanted to cheer us up or he's nervous and wanted to know what his friends were joking about! You’d better ask DaeSung!

そう そう、T.O.Pのお嫁さん なる。笑! 笑! 笑!


The MC asked them about the solo activity

TaeYang: My solo album is expected this June in Korea after I get back from Japan.

T.O.P: My film 「Into The Fire」 will be on screen on 06/17. (He said the film title in English^^ That's K K KOOL!!)

DaeSung: Yes, the drama is about to filming very soon. (『What's up』 is planned to air this July^^)

G-Dragon via SeungRi: BIGBANG is busy making the Korea's album (SeungRi helped translated this^^) がんばりまぁ~す^^

SeungRi: I'm sure you know everyone's solo activities through this interview. Mine is the release of 「19」 ,though it has been on screen since the 29th.

Wait,TaeYang solo's NEXT MONTH!꺅!꺅!

I love the dance! I LOVE THE DANCE!!!WORD!!
It was pretty much of the flow of the energy between you and the artists. The interaction was much hyped up when all the lighting even helps pumping the intensity of the show.The "Hey" and "Ho" is good for morning call!Refreshing!!!


They didn’t dance or they forgot to dance?!?!?But, to watch it live again is a bliss, it reminds me of the wonderful last autumn/winter when I was dogging BIGBANG to many TV shows.Hahaha..

I think I need a word with the back-up dancers! Now!

I kept my eyes on T.O.P.This piece is my most favorite of the evening and it's also the challenging one for T.O.P 'cos he has to rap it in Japanese.T.O.P once switched the order in "happiness, sadness, tears" line in the TV show and forgot his dance blocking spot and then ran into DaeSung or TaeYang.I take his Japanese attempt as a great endeavor and he has proved that he can do anything! Hands down! 24/7!!

The concert is perfect. I can't ask anything more from BIGBANG.2 last songs in the encore sum up the evening, really!

When it's time for BIGBANG to say goodbye, I almost cry, even if I know that the IRIS event at Saitama is the day after tomorrow! They’re going to end the Japan activities real soon then start the domestic schedule as planned and so on. Time’s running short! I’m not so sure that I'll be seeing them again at Summer Sonic 2010 or not! But, I’ll try my best possible way ^^V



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